Silver Square Investments
Silver Square Investments

Silver Square is currently fully subscribed

Silver Square is currently fully subscribed

@2023, Silver Square Investments.

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Our approach to investment goes beyond the financial. We go deeper.

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Invested Partners

We are the investment partner that is invested in seeing you reach your full potential. Our promise is to strive for long-term growth and success—for business’ and investors.


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Business Owners

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Our companies

With a leading portfolio of quality assets, we are proud of our track record in helping purpose driven organisations grow their business.

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For growing business

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Investing in Australia or New Zealand
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$2m to $50m in cashflow or earnings
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Partnering with and fostering exceptional management
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Flexible on investment size

We possess the necessary capital and are well-prepared to strategically invest in outstanding companies with exceptional growth potential.

I have a business opportunity

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Hear it from
our people

“We are business operators and take a hands on approach to ensure the earnings potential and valuation potential are maximized for all its investments.”

Declan Sherman
CEO, Silver Square

Speak to
our people

If you’re looking for an active partner to accelerate the growth of your business or if you’re looking to find opportunities to invest, please contact our team of trusted advisors.
Schedule a call now